God's Love Letters to You Book Review

Sunday, August 21, 2011
A 40-Day Devotional Experience
God's Love Letters to You is a daily devotional. Each of the 40 days you start with a Bible chapter, then a verse from that chapter related to the short one page devotional. After reading the daily devotion it is followed by few question regarding the devotional you read then, it end with a closing prayer. Dr. Crabb writes for each day as if you receive personal letters from God.

I enjoyed reading this book very much, but one thing that I noticed while reading this book was the printing in the devotion part was smaller than normal which was not a problem to me, but if someone reading this had poorer eyesight them myself might. It was fun and exciting to read this book, having never read one Dr. Crabb's books before. It was also very interesting reading this daily devotional, it brought up points which was unique. The devotionals were written by Dr. Crabb's opinion of how God would speak to us if he was the one personal writing the letters. I overall enjoyed reading this short devotion as it was fun, and easy to read, and enjoyable.

I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review program. I was not required to write a positive review; the opinions expressed are my own.


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